Gamify your Life

The first system designed to Organize, Prioritize, and Incentivize any task or goal.

“Games make us happy because they are hard work that we choose for ourselves, and it turns out that almost nothing makes us happier than good, hard work.”
Jane McGonigal
Reality is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World


About Ludum Vitae

Ludum Vitae, Latin for “The Game of Life,” brings meaningful engagement to our goals and tasks through a fun game like system using well known methodologies and principles. Our platform is the first system designed to combine community, gamification, tokenization, velocity, assets(skin-in-the-game), and optional anonymity to create values with real meaning and backing. Our playful and innovative approach naturally brings alignment to communities and organizations, this empowers all of us to actively shape our future for the better. This site contains the What, the Why and some of the How, Enjoy!

Ludum Vitae is currently under development!

  • We appreciate the overwhelming support to get this launched!
  • On Mobile press the menu button top left or Table of Contents
  • Wait list available soon & possibly pre ordering!
  • Graphics / Illustrations incoming.
  • Inquiry ludumvitae @at proton dot me
  • Looking for software developers in different capacities.
  • Currently in a startup pre-accelerator program.
  • Over a decade of thought has gone into the systems described.
  • Some features are not finalized and will need to be play tested.
  • Many pages are not final and have not received a review round.
  • Last Edit 3/8/2024

Is Ludum Vitae for you?

  • Are you having trouble finding friends with shared values?
  • Is it difficult to align and coordinate groups of people?
  • Do you have trouble incentivizing others to accomplish tasks.
  • Is it hard to identify the most important next step?
  • Do you have trouble doing or delegating tasks?
  • Do you think the promises of blockchain have gone unrealized?

Our Mission

Ludum Vitae is dedicated to redefining the concept of alignment within a community or organization. We believe that true cohesion stems from a foundation of shared values that resonate with each individual. By fostering an environment where these values are celebrated and pursued, we enable our users who we call Avatars to collectively achieve their aspirations with a sense of purpose and integrity.

Principles of Play

Our unique approach integrates the “skin in the game” philosophy with gamification, ensuring that players have a real stake in whatever "game" they are playing. All players within Ludum Vitae experience the consequences of their actions, whether positive or negative, resulting in a community where players are genuinely invested in the welfare of the collective and mindful of their contributions.

Values at Our Core

Ludum Vitae stands unique in its approach to values, which are the governing principles of each sphere. We go beyond assuming the values of our users; we track and understand them as they evolve. Establishing and aligning with these values is central to what makes Ludum Vitae different from any other system where values are static and forgotten, we ensure that our values are lived experiences, integral to every facet of Ludum Vitae.

Features and Mechanics

Ludum Vitae introduces a robust platform where each element plays a pivotal role in shaping the user experience. At its core are “Spheres,” which represent distinct communities or interest groups. Within each Sphere, “Gems” serve as specific tasks or goals that individuals or teams work to complete, embodying the goals and aspirations of the community. “Values” are the guiding principles that each Gem aligns with, ensuring that efforts are directed toward the community’s shared vision. “Bonds” function as the connective tissue between Gems, facilitating collaboration and resource exchange to fulfill mutual objectives. Lastly, “Tokens” are the currency of effort and achievement, providing a tangible means to reward contributions and incentivize further participation. Together, these features create a comprehensive mechanics system that fosters engagement, accountability, and progress within Ludum Vitae’s vibrant spheres.

A Positive Paradigm

Ludum Vitae stands firmly against the exploitation of negativity and sensationalism that pervades much of social media. We have cultivated a space that encourages positive engagement, collaboration, and meaningful content. By incentivizing constructive behavior, we foster an atmosphere where quality discourse and genuine community engagement are paramount.

Anonymity and Expression

In Ludum Vitae, anonymity is facilitated because the system emphasizes the outcome of actions rather than who performs them. As long as players meet the established success criteria in their tasks and uphold the community’s values, they can accrue merit and advance within the game. This approach provides a level playing field where all players, regardless of their real-world identity, have the opportunity to succeed. This optional anonymity allows for genuine self-expression and decision-making in alignment with both individual character and communal values.

Competition and Collaboration

Ludum Vitae is a testament to the harmony between competition and collaboration. Our platform champions the spirit of cooperation, enabling users to align on objectives and pool resources for common goals. We celebrate individual achievements while recognizing that true success is a collective endeavor. By leveraging collective intelligence, we tackle complex challenges, fostering a culture of shared responsibility and mutual support.

Join Us

Are you ready to play the game of life like never before? We invite you to become a part of the Ludum Vitae community, where every action contributes to a larger narrative of change and progress. Explore how you can make an impact and help shape the future by pre-ordering a sphere today. Let’s co-create a world where everyone has a stake in our shared success.


Understanding spheres and how they work.

Architecture guide

Learn how the internals work and contribute.